Tuesday, February 3, 2015

USAT SMW Award Banquet

It's like a date night for us!
My husband and I recently attended the USAT South Midwest Annual Banquet because I was slated to receive the Official of the Year award. It meant some time alone and a trip to Shreveport, Louisiana. Unfortunately, few award recipients were present. We were able to recognize the inductee to the Hall of Fame and support other athletes while enjoying a catered dinner with lots of door prizes. In addition to my award, I also took home an entry to the Degray Lake Triathlon Festival in August! DeGray Lake Events
The Regional Coordinator that supports the assignment of Officials, Doug Harvey.

My award will take it's place in my hurt locker along side the medals and other trophies. It's great to be recognized for my hard work and commitment to the sport. It's not always easy to be the enforcer of the rules but it is great to see that the race was fair for everyone.

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